
Sonic adventure 2 dreamcast
Sonic adventure 2 dreamcast

Until then, take a butchers at this lovely lookin’ lot. More info will be added to this website, as well as movie downloads and extra pictures, when Dreadknux gets them.

sonic adventure 2 dreamcast

Could this be an indication of any kind of an evil composition of our dear Sonic, much like the Metal Sonic and Metallix before it? It may just be my imagination, but those metal Sonic replications in Eggman’s base (where you have to go to reach ‘Final Egg’) in Sonic Adventure seem a bit too peculiar to be just for display. It describes ‘Love’ and ‘Hate’ and ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’. Looking at the Sonic Adventure 2 Trailer ( which you can view here), the basis of the story seems to be about opposites of certain things. And you know why? If you don’t, you’ll find out right about now! Details on the story and the plot itself are rather scarce, but what we do know at the moment is exciting everyone, especially the old ‘Dreadknuxster’ here! Least of all because Sonic’s 10th Anniversary is drawing nigh, and Sonic Team are beavering away to ensure a worldwide release date and to make this the BEST Sonic game to date!!! Sonic Adventure 2, eh? Probably the most anticipated Sonic game to date.

Sonic adventure 2 dreamcast